August 5, 2024

MISSOURI - Sapphire Strategies Client and democratic candidate for U.S. Congressional District 3, Bethany Mann, won the democratic primary in a landslide. Mann ran against Andrew Daly in this race. She will be running against Republican (Odner/Shaefer) in November.
Our team has diligently spent our efforts on Mann’s campaign to improve communication, increase funding and endorsements, and recruit volunteers. We signed Mann on July 19th to make her the next U.S. Congresswoman for District 3. This is the first win under our firm, and we could not be more proud of Bethany and our work to get her there.
“This is why we started this firm ー to see good people elected into office who care about their constituents. Mann has made tremendous strides in protecting our environment and advocating for Missourians. We cannot wait to see her elected into office,” said Clayton Herbst, founder of Sapphire Strategies.
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-Sapphire Strategies Team
Sapphire Strategies Political Consulting, LLC (Sapphire Strategies) is a political consulting firm rooted in St. Charles, MO. With young professionals at the cutting edge of political organizing, fundraising, and communication strategies, Sapphire Strategies powers campaigns from State House to US Congress, with experience working on local to state-wide campaigns. Candidates interested in working with Sapphire Strategies should reach out to